Monday, September 30, 2013

7 Habit -#2 Begin with the end in mind - Pep Rally

Skull Studios James Black reporting

What better way to kick of a Monday - then with a Pep Rally -

........and not just any pep rally - the most important kind , a 7 Habits Pep Rally - This month's reminder " Begin with the end in mind "

This month Lytle Elementary would like to invite parents to schedule  a time with their child's  teacher to come and share how they set a goals in life or with their job and how they were able to achieve them.

( information coming home soon )

Here are a few pictures from this morning's pep rally

The Junior High Cheerleaders performed some cheers for us, the students participated in minute to win it games , and then one teacher from each grade level competed in a minute game.
Some games played were : Balloon Toss - who can keep 3 balloons in the air the longest, toilet paper wrap - who can get through the roll before it breaks, Tissue pull - one at a time who can finish a box in one minute, and then the ping pong balls in a box - who can bounce them out the fastest .

The teacher one was really funny - they had to wear a visor with a counter on it - then they had to shake their heads to see who could get the most clicks in one minute . Mrs. Guevera was the winner.

I hope everyone has a great week here at Lytle Elementary - James.

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