Monday, September 30, 2013

7 Habit -#2 Begin with the end in mind - Pep Rally

Skull Studios James Black reporting

What better way to kick of a Monday - then with a Pep Rally -

........and not just any pep rally - the most important kind , a 7 Habits Pep Rally - This month's reminder " Begin with the end in mind "

This month Lytle Elementary would like to invite parents to schedule  a time with their child's  teacher to come and share how they set a goals in life or with their job and how they were able to achieve them.

( information coming home soon )

Here are a few pictures from this morning's pep rally

The Junior High Cheerleaders performed some cheers for us, the students participated in minute to win it games , and then one teacher from each grade level competed in a minute game.
Some games played were : Balloon Toss - who can keep 3 balloons in the air the longest, toilet paper wrap - who can get through the roll before it breaks, Tissue pull - one at a time who can finish a box in one minute, and then the ping pong balls in a box - who can bounce them out the fastest .

The teacher one was really funny - they had to wear a visor with a counter on it - then they had to shake their heads to see who could get the most clicks in one minute . Mrs. Guevera was the winner.

I hope everyone has a great week here at Lytle Elementary - James.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Football Players Take over Lytle Elementary

This morning was full of smiles not just on the kids faces but on the Varsity Football players as well. All the children ( and adults ) could not wait to say Good Morning to the Varsity Players and get their autographs. As the buses rolled up to drop off the students , the Primary Pirates who are still on the bus were waving and screaming and yelling look at the Players , Mr.  Nathan Medrano , Lytle Pirate #32 even ran on the bus to high five the little ones .   This is Lytle , this is who we are , we never hesitate to help each other.
 This week was amazing for our Elementary Campus .
High School students made this happen !
They came early - wore their uniforms , played instruments and placed smiles on the students of Lytle Elementary .
True Story : One sweet small little girl who NEVER wants to get out of the car, saw the Football players this morning, jumped out , did not even bother to say bye to her mom, grabbed one of the players hands and walked him all the way to her class and made him sit down next to her in her seat , and without hesitation he followed.
As the players gathered in the front office to say the pledges over the intercom , and sing our school song you could not help but feel the love and pride our players have for not only Lytle but our community. Thank you for changing a child's life this morning, they will never forget you.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

ARRRRRRRRR - Today is National talk like a Pirate day !!!!!

The mighty Pirate Band was here to greet the kiddos at their cars and off the buses , the drum line then helped us out to kick off the day with our Pirate Pep-Rally .
Today we had teachers work together on the Plank, A marshmallow contest with the teachers where they said ARRR and the kids competed in an Arr contest .

The kid winners of our ARRR contest are Roy in 4th grade and Mark in 5th grade - Way to represent the Pirates boys !!!
 Photos taken by : Miss Jasmine Shaw - 5th grade Skull Studio Representative




Today is a great day to be a Pirate - but then again everyday is !!!!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday Day 3 - Our Champion Cross Country Runners
Pictures taken by : Jasmine Shaw , Amberlyn Garcia, Amanda Soto

You may have seen these amazing kids running around town, running , running, running and running.
Because they are always running - this is called Dedication - These kiddos and their coaches have the most amazing STRENGTH and STRENGTH comes in Numbers.

Thanks Coach Ruiz and Coach Foster for sharing your kiddos with us this morning.






Such Amazing Pirate Athletes !!!!!!